What to Expect ?

Layout of Shina Cultural Centre


Welcome to our dedicated section celebrating the rich heritage of the Dards. Discover their earliest mentions in texts dating back to 3 BCE, along with the geospatial spread of Dardistanand its tribes.

Gurezi Way of Life

Get an immersive experience of the way Dard Shin people live in Gurez! This segment is dedicated to showcasing their lives which includes their clothes, local produce, consumed foods and cuisines, architecture and artefacts contributed by the locals.


A corner of smiles, with dreams that has to go miles! That is exactly how we can explain the Gurezikhab. Gurezikhab is more than just a wall filled with canvas with pictures. That wall represents the dreams and future vision of the localities consisting of everything from their bare necessities to their mission of new-age development.

Shina Langauge Section

This is the linguistic section of the Museum, which houses a small library and a research cell.

Flora & fauna

The Gurez valley has an exotic variety of flora and fauna. This picturesque valley contains a rich meadow surrounded with, willow, walnut and linden trees. The valley is home to rare wildlife species such as snow leopards and Himalayan black bears. This area also has a flourishing ecosystem which is supported by KishanGanga river. It also stands as a storyteller of how Kishanganaga became the catalyst in bringing the Dards to settle in Gurez.

AV Room

The harmonious fusion of sound and visuals often creates an immersive experience that engages our senses and ignites our emotions. Trying to create the same, our AV room showcases a fifteen-minute documentary regarding the rich history, legacy and culture of the Dard Shins.

Souvenir Shop

Souvenirs are more than just tangible objects; they embody cherished memories and unforgettable experiences. Similarly, at Shina Cultural Center, visitors are given the opportunity to purchase local produce and honey from regionals. Apart from that you can also find key rings, flasks, clothes etc produced by the locals that add to the cultural essence.